Surrounded by
a dense forest, its beautiful changing seasons and magical snowfalls... These
were the witness of a true friendship and a forever love.
Arnav & Khushi... Soulmates.. Drifted apart by destiny!
It was 3 in the morning... and sleep
didn’t reach her yet. Naina leaned on her elbow sitting at her desk.. She
looked through the window and admired the full moon.. It had been hours that she
had penned down those few words.. but she couldn’t bring herself to write
more.. in fear that her writing would not bring justice to such a true love
story.. Since the day Bunny told her about Arnav Singh Raizada and his eternal
love, she was going through sleepless nights. Under the dim light of the table
lamp, she leaned half of her tired body on the desk and slowly drifted into a
light slumber...
9.30 am
Naina jerked up from the desk at the
sound of her ringing mobile.. Her hairs in a disastrous state while her specs
in the wrong position.. She got hold of her ringing mobile and checked the caller
id while yawning loudly.
Bunny calling...
Shock gulped down her yawn. Her eyes shot
wide open and she jerked up from the chair.
Naina: Oh Shit! I’m late...
Immediately, she pushed on the green
button and in one breath she said to the caller..
Naina: Listen.. I’m really very sorry.. I
know I’m late.. as usual.. sorry sorry sorry.. I’ll be here in 30 minutes..
please don’t go!
A dreamy smile adorned his playboy look
as he listened to her sweet voice over the phone.. She was such a treat to
listen to.. Her voice sounded like a melody in his ears... Waiting since the
last 1 and half hour in the coffee shop.. all Bunny managed to say to her..
Bunny: Ok.. take your time! I can wait...
Naina: Oh you are such a sweetheart Bunny..
Thanks.. I’m coming soon.. bye!
And she disconnected the call.. Bunny smiled
stupidly at himself and turned towards the amused waiter..
Bunny: Waiter.. 1 more coffee..
Waiter 1: Ok sir!
The waiter looked at the other waiter and
both laughed as one said...
Waiter 1: Coffee number 12..
Waiter 2: lagta naya ashiq hain.. (seems he’s a new lover..)
12th, 13th, 14th and 15th.. Bunny lifted
his eyes from his 15th cup of coffee of the day.. and instantly a
smile curved on his lips when Naina stepped into the coffee shop at 10.30 sharp.
Well she said 30 minutes.. but seems that it took her 30 minutes additional. In
simple top and jeans and her cute specs, he was awed by just her appearance.
Beauty and simplicity! She was the girl he was waiting for.. since always! Lost
in her.. his trance broke when Naina snapped her fingers in front of him..
Naina: Hey bunny, where are you lost?
He stammered as he came back from a
dazzled state.
Bunny: hmm.. hiii.. Naiina..
Naina chuckled at him while he stood
nervously and pulled the other chair for her..
Naina: Thanks..
They both sat and Bunny raised his hand
signing to the waiter..
Bunny: Waiter! 2 Cappuccino please..
The waiter nodded in affirmation from the
counter and turned to the other waiter..
Waiter 1 : Dekha jaise ladki aayi, coffee
se cappuccino.. (See as soon as the girl came, from
coffee to cappuccino..)
And the two waiters laughed.. Some
minutes later, the waiter served them and turned away. They took a sip from
their hot cappuccino and smiled at each other...
Bunny: So? I was.. surprised.. after your
text last night! You wanted to see me first thing in the morning.. Any problem?
Naina lowered her eyelids nervously.. She
knew this was difficult.. but within only 2 weeks, they’ve become so good
friends and she was hopeful that Bunny would help her. But will she be asking
for too much? If he gets angry.. or worst if he refuses? Whatever happens.. she
had to try.. else every night she’d be sleeping on her desk thinking about the
same thing, the same story and the same arnav and khushi.. She looked at Bunny
and brought her hands to him on the table.. As soon as she touched his hands,
his eyes popped out.. shocked, amazed and shy! He composed himself not to let
his inner feelings out. Holding his hands, Naina looked into his eyes,
Naina: I don’t know how to say this.. so I’ll
just go straight to the point..
“Dhak.. Dhak.. Dhak.. Dhak”
Does she also have feelings
for me??
For few seconds, his heart raced as the
same haunting thought crossed his mind again and again.. He mentally prepared
himself to reciprocate her love.. but...
Naina: I want to meet Arnav Singh
She said it in one breath with confidence
and determination while Bunny’s jaw dropped in shock. What was he waiting for and
what did he get? When reality finally struck him, he burst out laughing.. Naina
was so relieved till he stopped laughing and in a serious tone he said...
Bunny: Are you freaking crazy? Arnav
Singh Raizada... you want to meet Arnav Singh Raizada.. business tycoon Arnav
Singh Raizada.. you are definitely insane girl... Oh god help her.. Naina will
meet the angry man.. Arnav Singh Raizada..
you got to be kidding me, right?
Her eyes wide opened.. Naina was totally
annoyed by his reaction.. Here she was expecting him to help her but instead he
was having a real fun in ridiculing her.. She stared at him furiously as she
Naina: Fine! I don’t need your help.. I’ll
help myself.. Thanks for the cappuccino.. and sorry for the dozens of coffee
you had in waiting for me..
She stood and walked away angrily. Bunny
threw some cash on the table and ran after her..
Bunny: Naina.. naina.. listen yaar.. I was
His car was parked in front of the coffee
shop.. but he forgot about it and kept walking after her while she took a
shortcut through the forest. He talked non-stop and she ignored him..
Bunny: Arre yaar.. where are you going
into this forest, you’ll get lost.. Naina listen yaar... Ok Fine, I’ll
introduce you to ASR.
On the spot, her steps stopped and she
turned to face him... An excited happiness glowing on her face.
Naina: Really?
Bunny gave up and nodded in affirmation..
Bunny: Yes!
Naina: Promise!
Bunny: Yes promise...
She approached him and excitedly passed
her arm around his arm as she said..
Naina: Ok let’s go!
Bunny: What? Now? Look we cannot go now..
he must be busy!
She pouted and pleaded innocently..
Naina: pleeeeeeeease.. please please
Bunny: God.. where am I stuck man? Save me
from ASR!.... Come let’s go, before you start crying!
Naina: Yaaayyy..
Naina jumped in excitement and gave him a
side hug. They both rushed to the car and zoomed off towards the Raizada. When
they passed through the gate, Naina was awestruck.. the yard, the garden, the
house which looked like a real castle.. Was she in a fairy tale? Bunny tapped
her shoulders to get back from fairy land...
Bunny: Get back to earth naina and close
your month!
Naina was still under the spell of the
Raizada Castle..
Naina: This is unbelievable...
Bunny smirked.
Bunny: Well have you heard of this story?
She looked at him questioningly...
Naina: Which one?
Bunny: When Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal
for his beloved wife Mumtaz..
Naina was confused about what he meant..
Naina: Yeahh.. everybody knows it!
Bunny: Well my dear friend.. it’s quite
the same.. This castle has been built for Khushi.. not in her memory but for
her.. the place where she’ll live with her prince when she comes back...
Everything in this house is just the way Khushi likes it...
Bunny stepped out of the car while Naina
stared at the house like castle with tears in her eyes.. Her thoughts broke
when Bunny opened her door.. She stepped out of the car, quite moved on with
the sight of this place.. She hadn’t met him yet.. but she felt the love and
passion for this one girl.. Is love truly eternal???
They walked up the few steps to the main
door when suddenly Bunny’s mobile rang. He checked the caller id and looked at Naina..
Bunny: It’s from office.. I have to take
this call.. You stay here ok..
Naina smiled.
Naina: Sure!
Meanwhile, Naina looked around admiring
the garden.. when suddenly a music caught her attention.. a beautiful tune..
someone was playing a guitar and without thinking she pushed open the main door
and stepped inside the huge house...
jus found this ff....its awesome...luved it already...plsss update soon i wud luv to read more......